Action Based Company with Proven Results
Beachview has provided logistics management, base camp support services and rental equipment to many government and private clients since our inception in 1999. We pride ourselves in the excellent service and products that we are able to extend to our clients.
Beachview Event Rentals & Design is a full-service event rental company. Beachview Events was founded in 1999 and is a Georgia based corporation. Beachview Energy is supported in times of need by Beachview Event Rentals & Design. Both companies have a wide range of inventory and resources that can fulfill any need that may arise in support of a storm, military training exercise or any other event. Because both companies are full-time event rental companies that work in multiple states, we keep a full staff to support any project that may arise. We also pride ourselves on the quality of our inventory and most importantly, the customer service that is so critical to a successful operation.
Beachview Energy has established alliance partners in the food service, portable sanitation and power generation businesses. These valuable partners allow Beachview Energy to respond quickly in times of need.
Our Clients:

US National Guard
US Army
US Humane Society
USForestry Services
US Coast Guard
US Army Corps of Engineers
American Red Cross
US Secret Service
US Special Forces


"I want to say that I appreciate all the hard work and dedication of the Beachview employees supporting Oncor’s restoration efforts out of the Arecibo Region in Puerto Rico for over 60 days. The Beachview employees knew the mission on the first day and what it took to provide a safe home away from home with great food and extremely comfortable accommodations for my restoration team. As most realize in Logistics things change everyday, however this level of service started at the time of engagement and continued throughout the restoration effort. Beachview management and its employees have set the bar high on service and customer support."
Randy Smith / Oncor